28 noiembrie 2008
ArchiCAD 12 continua sa primeasca feed-backuri absolut pozitive in presa internationala de specialitate.
Cititi cateva dintre articolele aparute despre program:
- AEC Magazine Product Review by Martyn Day, AEC Magazine, UK
"ArchiCAD version 12 is an excellent release for existing customers, of that there is absolutely no doubt. The system performance benefit alone justifies the upgrade."
- Cadalyst Labs Review by Jerry Laiserin, Cadalyst, US
"For anyone contemplating a transition from drawing-based processes to model-based workflow, ArchiCAD 12 deserves to be high on the shopping list. Users of competing BIM modeling solutions might want to take another look at everything ArchiCAD has to offer in this latest incarnation. Highly Recommended."
- AECbytes Product Review by Lachmi Khemlani, AECbytes, US
"Another aspect in which ArchiCAD has taken the lead among BIM applications is in its 3D documentation capability."
- Architosh News: Graphisoft Leads BIM Industry in Multiprocessing Support
- Architosh News: World's Most Flexible and Fastest BIM